
Release history
Click on Download button and install the software will upgarde to latest version. Make sure taket the backup before installing the latest version. Refer here how to configure the backup

Version - Updated on 06-Jan-2024
  1. Option provided for custom SMS Gateway.
  2. Sync option enabled for purchase orders.
  3. Cash & Cary customer search by phone number option enabled in sales screen Customer F3 window
  4. Added Group by HSN No option provided in Tax Report
  5. Added Win11 theme
  6. Purchase order item background colour will be displayed in green if item already imported in purchase



Issue Fix:

  1. Estimation on clicking on the header sorted the data and adding new items not refreshing the rates has been fixed.
  2. Phone Number column added in Invoice detailed report screen.
  3. In the sales screen if the customer paid the partial payment then the bill was not considered as the due bill has been fixed.
  4. In Sales Item F2 additional field related to medical shop field composition not displaying properly has been taken care
Version - Updated on 25-Dec-2021
  1. InventoryPlus support ZATCA ElectronicInvoice format with QR Code as per standard required by Saudi Arabia.
  2. Option provided to import Source and Target for work order in sales screen, If target selected then all source items will be extracted at note field.  Option provided to set the format in default settings.
  3. Added Landing Cost column in source grid for stock journal and work order.
  4. Column search option provided for cashier detailed report.
  5. HSN Code added in tax report.
  6. Voucher print now allwed to add due bills details.
  7. Improved the batch wise item search performance in sales.
  8. Product can be disabled from product screen, Disabled product cannot be available in product search in sales and other screen, however disabled product available in system.
  9. Product Search option enhanced, next to search button provided the context menu to select the desired option, earlier required to click on button All many times to toggle better barcode search, code, bundle search options.
  10. Multiple sales bill print option provided in sales transaction screen.


  1. Breaking changes : cust_ship_to_name changed to ship_to_name, this will impact your sales/purchase/estimation bill template if cust_ship_to fields used in any module need to update the new field in template then publish again
  2. If you are upgrading to version then Uninstall Previous version and install new version else report preview won’t works. Take the backup before installing the new version always

Issue Fix:

  1. In the purchase screen, the free-qty field was not allowed to enter decimal value issues has been fixed.
  2. In Sales default payment mode will be considered as Cash (or the first entry in payment mode collection) has been fixed irrespective of payment mode order.
  3. In the payment mode screen now the user is not able to delete the cash payment mode, however, the system will allow changing the text.
  4. Stock journal/WO/Material in and out using main unit landing cost as default for using the alternate unit as well. Added LC column in source grid so the system will pick LC for an alternate unit and user can change the LC as well.
  5. Customer credit balance not calculating properly on invoice printout when balance field used in sales invoice template.
  6. Estimation and price scheme sync issues fixed.
  7. FIFO/LILO stock book Opening balance amount not calculated properly has been fixed if extracted between different 2 days in financial year.
  8. Daily report showing wrong total.
  9. Vourcher transaction screen showing the bank name instead of customer name.
Version - Updated on 15-Aug-2021
  1. Added unit in BOM option
  2. Provided option to enable weight in Batchwise stock, Enabling the weight will enable weight in purchase entry screen, If weight is available then selling price can be updated using bulk product update option (this will helps to jewellery business for bulk update the selling price daily)
  3. Option provided to capture printer name for each user, If printer selected then selected printer will be used for default printer to print the reports
  4. Option provided to get the selling price entered in purchase while billing spit sales, this needs to be enabled from Item groups for batch-wise products.
  5. Option provided to enable the default stock quantity in sales quantity while adding a new item in the sale, this option needs to be enabled in Item Groups and works for batch-wise stock only.
  6. Payment mode and price scheme option provided in sync module, Earlier this module required manual update


  1.  Updated help manual with latest version changes

Issue Fix:

  1. Allowed to enter the decimal number in wastage/weight in jewellery sales.
  2. Multiple branches enabled then customer transaction balance amount not updated properly on sales bill edit mode. 
  3. If multiple branches are enabled then cash ledger selection not working in the settings default section has been fixed.
Version - Updated on 27-June-2021
  1. Portugal language support added.
  2. Provided option to select brokerage for each customer
  3. Option provided to capture note on the product screen
  4. Compound option added to additional tax
  5. Added Phone in Due bill report grid.
  6. InventoryPlus desktop Shortcut icon changed to Inventoryplus registered logo
  7. GST Extract HSN Report updated with the latest template (Added rate column)
  8. Added option to capture expire date, unit in sales return


  1.  Inventoryplus desktop Shortcut icon changed to Copywrite icon as a standard shortcut icon.

Issue Fix:

  1. Selection of financial year dropdown was not showing correctly on file menu has been fixed
  2. After the creation of the new financial year, the new financial year file will work as the default company.
  3. The selected brokerage was not retaining on sales bill edit is fixed.
Version - Updated on 19-December-2020
  1. Centralised customer and vendor balance enabled in smart sync.
  2. Counter sales report now helps to check Cash in counter. Now Sales return will display and amount with -ve so the total amount will be the actual cash received on the specified date.


  1. Application startup performance improved from earlier 25sec to less then 15 sec

Issue Fix:

  1. Purchase ledger was not extracting in general ledger when same purchase number found in purchase screen, this has been fixed, report will extract if same bill number found.
  2. After creating the new financial year, updating the previous fy’s account closing balance to zero was not properly carry forwarded to new fy when update carry forwarded balance option. now zero balance will carryforwarded and this will overwrite new fy opening balance
Version - Updated on 28-November-2020
  1. Auto Generation of batch number now supported Serial number generation. (Goto Groups and select Auto Generation of Batch and Select Serial number), Make sure to use proper Prefix to avoid duplication of the serial number, If a batch number exists then a random number will be generated.
  2. The option provided to enter purchase on Unit. This feature helps if you are managing stock based on unit, Ex. Garment Shop units like 30 Inches, 32 Inches etc can be added in one go.
  3. Physical stock & Stock journal report added in manage report. So this report can be edited according to the requirements using the manage report.
  4. User Role added to Stock Journal and Stock verification for restricting the permission


  1. Auto Generation of Batch number as a continuous number helps users who want to manage the batch as a barcode.  When you add a product to purchase then the new serial number will be generated, in case if you delete the added product before save then also old serial cannot be revoked. Goto Product group screen to reset the serial number to the previous number in case if you need a continuous number.

Issue Fix:

  1. Double-clicking on General ledger is not redirecting to the specified screen in edit mode, this issue was introduced on has been fixed.
  2. Custom Report not available for selection in Invoice report has been fixed
Version - Updated on 18-October-2020
  1. Label Printing Wizard provided for easy configuration of label report.
  2. The option provided to configure the module wise sync.
  3. Estimation module help to manage the stock handling.
  4. Tax on free quantity option provided on the sales screen.
  5. Auto-generation of Batch number feature added. It can be enabled on Item Group.
  6. Purchase Import in Label printing support to import purchase no, date, supplier name, code. These fields can be included in label printing.
  7. Auto-generation of Batch number option provided(Option added in Item Group details for batchwise stock). This will helps businesses store the barcode number/serial number in batch no field.
  8. Added new shortcut keys added in sales (Ctrl+P => Save print,  Ctrl+S => Save without print.
  9. Working on sales/purchase screens if accidentally clicked on another menu will display the warning message before navigating to the desired screen.  If you click on No option then navigation canceled.
  10. Physical stock verification report added


  1. Now Smart sync will manage the customer/ledger balance for branch instead of centralized- This is major changes please edit ledger balance for each branch.  However, the system will help you to manage the same customer on all branches. Consolidated customer balance is possible when you select the party in general ledger and select Include all branches transactions option.
  2. All premium features provided to basic and advanced subscriptions for demonstration purposes will be withdrawn. Only features available in the mentioned Price/checkout page are available henceforth.
  3. Added additional warning message whenever trying to edit the existing product opening balance quantity, This leads to a mismatch in stock balance

Issue Fix:

  1. Fix for Invoice Summary report scheduling returning blank report.
  2. Smart sync some times not syncing, the system needs to restart required, This as been taken care of.
  3. GST report not considering sales screen cash customers with intrastate customer option selection, this has been fixed.
  4. Customer contributor not working in customer edit has taken care
  5. Due bill in sales with cash was not working on first-time sale issues taken care
  6. Show NILL Stock in stock summary not displaying zero qty stock issues has been fixed.
  7. Due bill report not properly generating when after receiving the receipt and edit the sales bill.
  8. Disabled to -ve value entry in MRP and Rate in the sales screen
Version - Updated on 24-Dec-2019
  1. Enabled Smart client option. This feature will help to speedup the client system 200-400% and auto refresh the master enter on all system (Product, Customers, Vendor details as of now). This can be enabled from Settings -> Default Settings -> General settings.  This setting required port 9090 enabled on all client and server system.
  2. Purcahse and customer import now using excel file.


  1. Smart client feature required better server system as all reports and all operation are running or server so server system required minimum configuration of I5 CPU and 8GB RAM if your company data file exceeds 50MB. This will improve all clients system performance as like server system working now.

Issue Fix:

  1. Alternate currency decimal place unable to change issues fixed.
  2. Home page Tiles text/Numbers was not wrapping if value is more then 9 digits This has been taken care
  3. Sales screen some scenarios pressing back space taking to home screen issues fixed.
Version - Updated on 28-Oct-2019
  1. Option provided to give discount on net amount using Less other field, new option added to give percentage and apply will calculate the less other amount automatically. This option can be added to screen using screen customisation feature
  2. Option provided to import CESS, Rate on qty in Purchase and Sales.
  3. Extract Profit between 2 days in P&L report, This feature requested by many users, now it is available!
  4. In Sales expire notification message will display if added item is expired, System will prompt “Expired on xyz date, do you want to continue?” If user press Yes then it will allow to sales, Default option is No. .


  1. Make sure install latest version of “Sales to Purchase import” plugin once installing the InventoryPlus new version.
  2. Now Tax ledger getting updated on purchase entry. Now system is posting to account ledger as per calculation Purchase amount + Tax Account = Purchase net amount
  3. In purchase tax included is selected then LC will be auto calculated and this amount won’t update to product LC even if you selected the update product MRP option.

Issue Fix:

  1. While Amending the purchase entry, it was resetting the selling, mrp and LC price of product if markup was set.  When you open the old purchase and amend it then it was overwriting old rate with new rate. This has been fixed.
Version - Updated on 15-Oct-2019
  1. LIFO, FIFO and Avg costing feature added for Primary stock management
  2. Sales quick link item search will be saved after selection.
  3. Provided option to add Product with image for sales quick link section. (based on sales rank image will be displayed on top)
  4. Option provided to set the expire date format like mm-yyyy. Ex. Aug-2019
  5. Option provided to Print the sales bill without clicking on “Save & Print” button, Click on Transaction button and extract the required bill and click on Print button to print the bill
  6. Updated Customer/Vendor Import with interstate party
  7. Allowed duplicate customer name on creation of customer and vendor
  8. Added Hindi language support (beta)
  9. Sales screen review option enabled, After adding all product just press END keyboard button will enable the review mode, This will highlight the product name, quantity and amount for review. Press again End button to toggle the same.
  10. Improved navigation in sales screen product entry screen. Changed Shortcut key Ctrl+R to Ctrl+A for each access, Added new shortcut key Ctrl+Alt+O for bundle offer


  1. Label Printing count set to 65 for all advanced subscription users by default. There is no option to change the label count for advanced subscription. Premium subscription user will get all label printing features
  2. Handled special characters on product import
Version - Updated on 04-Aug-2019
  1. Audit trial added, System will keep track of all update and delete operations, This can be enabled on Settings -> Default -> General.  This feature enabled by default. Audit trial details report available at Home -> More -> Audit trial
  2. Added Selling rate field on purchase import template, This will helps to advanced users who are not able to edit the import template file.
  3. Added Table name and waiter name on Order screen for hotel and restaurants users, Option provided for show only in-progress order in transaction screen. This will help to see all occupied table/room.
  4. SQL Server version now available. InventoryPlus now works on cloud as well. Database will be stored on cloud and it can be access from any location using InventoryPlus client.
  5. Product Groups also works like category, Map sub group ‘under’ field will help to generate the report based on hierarchy.
  6. Voucher screen changes: Provided transactions screen in voucher, This will help to select the voucher based on different filters.
  7. Option provided to select the price scheme on Invoice Summary report.
  8. Discount % field added on Sales Details screen to give the discount % on net amount. 
  9. Drag Drop between sales screen implemented.
  10. Software will display open company dialog box when first install and start the inventoryplus.


  1. Nill Stock issues no more exists, Still if you change product group from Primary to Batch wise once after started sales then still you will face some issues related to excess stock, This need to be handled/adjusted through physical stock verification. 
  1. “Mfg. By” allowed to change the label using Label Info screen.
  2. Option to maintain max credit balance for each customers, If credit balance reaches more then set limit then sales billing show the warning message and stop.
  3. Allowed to maintain Note on customer screen.
  4. Added discount % and discount amount column in estimation screen.
  5. Added customer details report.
  6. Added discount coupon report.
  7. Option provided to select the financial year dropdown from file manu. When selecting the desired fy date system will automatically pick the company file, No need to open the old data file using open company option.
  8. Option provided to change the package label of product screen, In item group screen option provided to set the packing label
  9. Company file full location displayed on home screen status bar.
  10. Option provided for October - November financial year creation.
  11. Option provided to transfer ob to next fy using update financial year feature when logged in to old financial year data file.
  12. Brokerage screen provided the option to map to ledger account, If no ledger is selected then while save system will auto create the new ledger. Report now display the paid amount if mapped ledger paid using voucher payment screen.
  13. Seamless financial year creation enabled, After creating the new fy system will login to new financial year so no need to restart the software.


  1. NA
  1. Option provided for create user defined report from existing report templates, Now it is simple to create any number of template for label printing, Stock book, Invoice and Account ledger report.
  2. Purchase screen added new column LC, While sales and purchase stock value this column will be used.
  3. Added New template 65 label template for label printing feature.
  4. After selecting the template in label printing screen, No. Of lable count column will be filled automatically with desired count.
  5. Vendor/Customer name column added in Invoice detailed report.
  6. Purchase screen added Discount % column, by default this is hidden, If required it can be added using column chooser.
  7. Network connection diagnosis added, This will help to resolve the network connection issues.
  8. In sales screen added option for displaying the desired watermark text on Original, 1st and 2nd copy.  Now system will display the default watermark or user can edit the template and update the label according to their preference.
  9. Now Restaurant Android App is redesigned to accept the user defined IP address, Save/Reset the entered user defined IP address.
  10. Option provided to import field ‘Mfg By’ in Product screen.
  11. Updated GST Extract template to latest version of GST offline csv file.
  12. Redesigned the screen for Import screen.
  13. Provided options to extract the report on date and time for Sales by cashier report, This will help to extract the report on particular date and between time.
  14. In user screen, Option provided to filter the role.
  15. New Role added to restrict Selling price ls less then LC on sales screen.
  16. In Sales screen when user logged in as Counter Sales role then Admin user able to login to system and take the control as Admin user, This helps to change the selling rate and this is not possible to counter sales logged in user
  17. Supplier name added in Stock summary report. Default this column is hidden, Required to add this field from column chooser.
  18. HSN Summary available on Sales bill
  19. Amazon SMS Plugin available for all outside indian users for sending SMS from InvenoryPlus.


  1. User defined report creation from existing template feature available only to Premium users only
  1. On Demand report from remote system feature, Refer here for more details.
  2. Financial year creation will show the progress bar when stock OB is generating, If user has more then 20K products will get the exact status of progress of financial year creation/updation.
  3. In Purchase screen, enter multiple batch number with comma ‘,’ and press enter, system will split the batch number and create the new line item for each. This will reduce the data entry efforts if you are getting same item with multiple batch number/serial number/IMIE number.
  4. Day Book report added,  Goto Reports -> General Ledger, Select Day book and print.  


  1. On Demand Report Request is premium feature available to Premium users only
  1. Option provided for set the default sale’s customer transaction as credit instead of cash paid.
  2. Stock book and stock summary report using the progress bar on report generation.
  3. Option provided to export customer and vendor details.
  4. Purchase total amount in grid will display excluding tax amount.
  5. Inbuilt Google drive backup feature included.
  6. Integrity Test option added in restore screen, This feature help to verify the integrity of Backup file.
  7. Provided option to select payment mode in Counter sales report.

Defect Fix:

  1. Fix for defect introduced on ver While billing amount updated in quick link section was not considered in customer ledge


  1. Google drive Inbuilt backup feature is available to Premium subscription/license only
  1. Purchase Order, Import created purchase order in Purchase screen.
  2. Purchase order auto creation based on reorder level or recent purchase history.
  3. Option to auto generate and send the purchase order email to supplier.
  4. Add. Field feature added in Voucher screen.
  5. Expired product report will display the supplier name, Double clicking on item will navigate to relevant purchase screen


  1. Purchase Order feature available to Premium subscription/License only.
  1. Forget password feature added
  2. Brokerage can be added for each product in sales
  3. Discount coupon can be applied on top of products existing discount
  4. Option provided for creating the discount coupon for multiple product group and multiple product.
  5. Sales Invoice summary report will display the discount column
  6. Option provided for adding bundle product to estimation, purchase using F3 product search feature


  1. Basic subscription users not able to manage the batch-wise stock. Upgrade to advanced or premium subscription in case if you required this feature.
  2. Label printing importing option from purchase and adding multiple lable in same print is disabled now
  3. Bundle sales feature available to premium subscription only

Defect Fix:

  1. Fixed Credit note not displaying invoice number
  1. Home screen auto refreshing TILE feature added, Option provided for hide the tiles as well if not required. Tile will be visible to only Administrator users only.
  2. Reworked on Batch wise stock handling. Now system will auto detect and changes in batch number on Purchase, Performance enhancement of stock handling etc is improved.
  3. Option provided for changing the Estimation text (Ex. Orders etc,.)
  4. MRP is editable in sales screen.
  5. Remote Assistance option added

Issues Resolved

  1. Bus fix related to security (use role not working on Workorder, Material In, Material out screen)
  2. Defect Fix for Multiple branch sync using dropbox for sales amount ledger extraction


  1. If you are managing the Batchwise stock with no batch number then there is a chance of stock NILL issue while generating the bills. Use the stock auto correct feature in stock book to correct stock NILL issues exists.
  2. Purchase total amount will include the tax (calculation is LC*Qty-Discount+Tax).
  1. Multiple branch creation, Manage masters (Customers, suppliers, Products) across the all branches
  2. Multiple branch sync using Dropbox
  3. Report Scheduling : Premium feature
  4. Work order management: Premium feature
  5. Material In and Out, Transfer to different branch features
  6. Bundle offers in sales
  7. Rewritten batch wise stock management. Now system will effectively handle blank batch number as well.
  8. Periodical refreshing Tiles added on home screen

Basic subscription limitation added in this release:

  1. Watermark in all reports including Sales invoice, Upgrade to latest version only if you are agree to display watermark on report including sales bill.
  1. Purchase import template can be created, You can see Purchase import button on purchase screen, Template selection on import page. Creation of new template you can see in Settings -> Company -> File Templates button, It helps to user to build different types of template provided by different vendors
  2. Sales Import using file template is possible now. Create any number of sales import template using File templates feature. Now system support importing csv file with different formats. Now it is simple to import from your online sales
  3. Discount can be applied on total amount, Add widget using available section in sales screen edit. It will apply discount % and amount as well. When you select amount, then system will calculate the % for each row and apply the discount
  4. CREDIT NOTE and purchase print option provided
  5. Round net amount to nearest quarter
  6. User able to change the country specific text, Settings -> General -> Label Info button you can configure, you can change Batch No to Serial No etc
  7. Weigh-scale bar-code detection
  8. In sales screen provided option to apply discount on total amount/All items, Discount % on all items
  9. Option provided for QR Bar-code scan, (Enable QR Scanning in settings -> default), enter matching first 20 character etc in bar-code field in product
  10. Option provided to enter cash customer is interstate party for calculating IGST in sales screen
  11. Ctrl+Alt+u will toggle main unit to alt unit while billing
  12. Shortcut added for bar-code scanning in Sales (CTRL+ALT+B, CTRL+ALT+A)
  13. Added MRP column in batch number selection screen in sales bill
  14. Import product added progress bar on same page
  15. In sales screen option provided for Open Keyboard -> Calculator dropdown added new menu called Keyboard
  16. Expire report now user able to navigate to relevant purchase screen by double clicking on expire item will open purchase invoice
  17. Increased the bar-code edit screen height. If window will display the scroll instead of increasing the window height
  18. Auto stock correction feature added.
  19. Restaurant plug-in included, Plugin will provide option for table order taking, Kitchen display etc,.
  20. Create new company wizard added.

Basic subscription limitation:

  1. Report export feature disabled.
  2. GST Export feature disabled
  1. Analytic dashboard beta version added for all users
  2. Touch screen theme added, InventoryPlus support multiple theme
  3. Arabic language support added
  4. VAT taxation activated
  5. Online activation feature added
  6. Re-seller portal enabled
  7. Subscription/license moving from one system to other system is simple using deactivate and activate account feature
  8. New 30X50MM barcode label report added
  9. Sales screen quick link section resizing option provided
  10. UOM rate added
  11. Conversion of unit to primary UOM in purchase screen added
  12. Search vendor with code/phone number in purchase
  13. Option provided for search the item name with barcode, code etc in all dropdown selections
  14. Sales screen layout change feature added
  15. added numeric button control to sales screen
  16. Customer name edit feature in main sales screen
  17. In Sales screen, scan the item it will update the same line qty instead of adding new line. Only new line will be added if user edited the rate or discount
  1. Multiple location stock handling
  2. Category adding for product, You can manage the hierarchical category for product
  3. Grid column hide and show will be stored permanently. System will restore from old settings
  4. Added profit column in Invoice report, It help to get the immediate profit for each sales
  5. Added option to generate the dead stock/slow moving stock in stock summary report.
  6. Print number of paper can be saved in sales bill
  7. Restore backup feature added
  8. Backup retention period added, System will auto delete the old not required backup file
  9. Option provided to open the company created on server using open company from server feature.
  10. Shared folder ‘InventoryPlusData’ created for data folder when software install on system system.
  11. Material renamed to product
  12. Stock Journal report added
  13. Analytic Dashboard created in report section, This is available to all subscriber for evaluation, In future this will be available to only premium users
    1. Loyalty point/reward redeem feature added
    2. Updated GST Extract feature
    3. Added MRP option in label printing
    4. Purchase and estimation screen has optoion to select different price scheme.
    5. Profit amount field added in invoice report
    6. Group filter option added in invoice report
    7. Frequent termination of software while billing issue fixed.
    8.  Balance sheet generation now beta release with many issues fixed.
    1. Estimation module is included in this release
    2. Import estimation in sales bill is included
    3. Added 2 labels in a row role report added.
    4. Purchase various option added
    5. Added CESS calculation on quantity.
    6. Updated Tax report
    7. Added HSN column in Invoice report
    8. Update in taxable column in sales bill when tax included is selected.
    1. Bill of material (BOM) added, Now it is simple to generate the stock journal with BOM
    2. Discount added in purchase section
    3. Sales added new field called Less amount (Help to adjust net amount)
    4. Purchase import is simplified, Update CSV file with only required field, Added GST fields for import, added discount for import
    5. Jewellery user has lot of new features
    6. As per of request we have added option to add material new entry/update while entering the purchase, Just click on Material menu will open material screen as popup. Create new material and save, same will be available in purchase to select.
    7. Selling rate will be auto calculated based on LC, we have added markup % in material screen, it will help to auto calculation of selling rate for all price scheme
    8. As per many request we have changed our implementation of sales bill deletion with continues bill number, Delete the last sales bill and create new sales bill will have retain the last deleted sales bill number for new sales bill number.
    9. Some of the defect fixed like, discount displaying in sales bill, rate was not retaining when multiple price scheme updated etc,.

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